CC Biz Buzz: Holiday marketing messages have arrived in full force

CC Biz Buzz: Holiday marketing messages have arrived in full force

The holiday season is about to begin and consumers are about to participate in a tradition. People like it. People are not enthusiastic about it. It is the time of year when people buy gifts.

The ideal gift for family members and others who hold a special meaning in their lives is the goal of shoppers. Online retailers make sure they have plenty of inventory. The fourth quarter of the calendar year is when many sellers see a significant bottom-line profit in their business and are able to overcome previous losses.

During the holiday season, we are overwhelmed with marketing messages. Many arrived weeks ago. They arrived in our mailbox. We receive them in our email inbox. They come to us on our phones. They arrive on our computers. On our social media platforms, they arrive. They show up on our TVs and radios. They are not restricted to a specific area. According to an article in Forbes, the average American is exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 ads a day. We don’t like most of this. Advertising fatigue and boredom is what we experience quickly.

It’s important that marketing messages are clear, concise, consistent and relevant. An overwhelming number of holiday marketing messages are not of these types.

According to a recent Statista survey, more than half of us are not interested in marketing messages that are irrelevant. The marketing message is not ignored. We are not happy with them. We are angry by some of them. The products they are selling are very negative. We might go as far as not trusting the product or service.

The holiday marketing messages we receive in the form of advertising, direct mail, email, personal sales, digital and direct marketing provide many advantages to consumers, so let’s take a few moments to think about that. A sense of incredulousness is not all about marketing message fatigue.

The positives of holiday marketing and marketing messages are not always visible in every message. There are marketing strategies and tactics that aren’t perfect. They need to be constantly researched, analyzed, consumer tested and refined. Continue as needed.

What are some of the benefits of targeting consumers during the holiday season?

Marketing is useful in helping us understand a product or service. We don’t have the time or energy to research the ins and outs of many items we will be buying. Understanding what a product does and how it works is important. Is it easy to use, not too complicated, and an item that the recipient knows? Should a return to school and an engineering degree be required? Will the recipient be able to use and enjoy your purchase? The complicated is made understandable by marketing.

The product’s value is communicated through marketing. In terms of dollars and cents, it’s not worth anything. The cost of purchasing a gift is an important factor to consider when selecting a gift. The benefits of a product and its features are connected by marketing in order to make a person’s life easier, more productive and enjoyable. The gift that makes the recipient’s life more enjoyable is remembered for a long time. Quality of life is enhanced by marketing.

Our ability to shop and compare products has been made easier by modern marketing. Our ability to compare prices has never been better. Marketing excellence involves communicating the value of the product with the price in a direct and simple manner.

Today’s marketing saves time. We don’t need to go to the malls to compare prices and buy gifts anymore. Many consumers still like to shop in the stores during the holidays. They like the sights, the sounds, the smells. They want to get a feel for the sweater. They like to see friends and neighbors in the stores. They enjoy the in- person experience.

It’s not necessary to drive downtown or to other locations in town anymore. There are options when it comes to buying. Most people want options.

There are many websites and social media platforms that we can check multiple times in a short period of time to make sure we get the right color, quality and size. Less time is needed for selection and price comparisons. Shopping can take place at any time.

Consumer alternatives have been created by marketing software. The era of marketing tools such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality will further educate the consumer and reduce the amount of time and money spent on shopping.

There is more than one way to market today. Hundreds of thousands of consumers read product and shopping experience input that is provided by consumers in marketing and messaging activity. First-class relationships are created by marketers. The company can address problematic issues in a timely manner if customer feedback is secured.

Consumers online ratings are often the focus of marketers. They need to use existing platforms to allow consumers to communicate with the company in a simple and easy way. The marketers have to listen to their customers.

It is important for us to know what is happening in the business world and socio-political affairs through marketing. Consumers want to purchase products and gifts that are produced with minimal or no impact to the environment, and marketing helps them know which products are truly eco-friendly. Marketing suggests consumers to look for a company that uses illegal and harmful business practices.

Growth is driven by marketing. Consumers want products that provide value and exceed their expectations, which is why companies are forced to make them. The marketing sphere doesn’t allow for products that aren’t worth anything. Products that are unsafe will not be accepted by regulators or customers. Consumers, regulators and the legal system will quickly address marketing and marketing messages that are false or deceptive.

Small businesses can compete with larger retailers and consumers can shop local without paying premium prices if they use effective marketing and marketing messages.

New products are created by marketing. Products arrive in the store with new features, a new design making it more functional and easier to use, new safety features, extended warranties and the like. The idea for the new product may have come from feedback from consumers.

It’s toughens you for the January sales if you shop during the holiday season.

Shop on and keep calm.

Robert Hohenstein is a professor at the Robert W. Plaster School of Business at Columbia College. He has experience in creating and developing marketing strategies and tactics.

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