Funnels SEO to Launch Search Engine Optimization Course on Optimizing ClickFunnels 2.0

Funnels SEO to Launch Search Engine Optimization Course on Optimizing ClickFunnels 2.0

It used to take weeks or months to build a strong sales page with ClickFunnels. Entrepreneurs use ClickFunnels software to create, launch, and profit from high-converting sales in less than a day. As ClickFunnels prepares to launch their highly anticipated 2.0 platform with elevated search engine optimization funnel features, Damon Burton schedules the release of FunnelsSEO to help funnel hackers master the art ofSEO for funnels

ClickFunnels has over 100,000 paying customers and is one of the fastest growing privately-owned software as a service companies in the U.S. The company has been around for less than a decade. Hundreds-to-thousands of their customers have been inspired to use ClickFunnels to accelerate their earnings beyond $1 million and earn the prestigious “Two Comma Award”.

The launch of ClickFunnels 2.0 will take place in September of 2022. The upgraded platform will include features that users have been calling for.

In order to further support ClickFunnels users who are looking to leverage search engine optimization for funnels, Damon Burton will be providing expertise on the topic. 15 years ago, Burton founded the internationally successful search engine maximization agency, 5000 companies, Shark Tank- featured businesses, and NBA team stores explode their earnings through consistent, effectiveseo practices

After investing in the community, Burton joined Inner Circle, an invitation only mastermind started by ClickFunnels co- founder, Russell Brunson. The Inner Circle chose Burton as their Member of the month.

Burton is eager to share his knowledge of search engine marketing with other entrepreneurs through courses and mentoring offered through

Burton has dreamed of the possibilities of the ClickFunnels platform with a few extra features. Now that 2.0 is delivering on those opportunities, Burton is sharing his strategies for funnel hacking. Burton has helped startup websites and established websites sell millions of dollars.

The only thing you can do is rank according to what the internet search engine can read. Burton said that the new features in ClickFunnels 2.0 are a key to funnel hackers being able to unlocked the full potential of the internet. You have a full powerhouse of solutions at your fingertips if you add in ClickFunnels’ new features.

Visit to learn more about how Funnels will educate and support funnel hacking.

ClickFunnels is not associated with Funnelsseo.

Contact az@kiss PR for news.

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