SEO Data And New Opportunities [Podcast]

SEO Data And New Opportunities [Podcast]

What is more important to your business? There is data or feelings.

It’s data, of course.

On the SEJ Show, I talk with Dmitrii Kustov of Regex about the opportunities for home services and other search trends.

You will get insights into how to build service-oriented leads and how to keep up with the latest search engine updates.

Recording data should begin. Today is the day to start tracking data. You can’t make decisions if you don’t have the data.

I like the idea of organic revenue generation. What is the purpose of organic searches? Revenue generation from that channel is not just traffic related. A lot of people don’t have that phrase, but I like to call it “Organic Revenue Generation.”

I don’t see it as a separate service that people buy. Lead quality and follow up come in when it’s integrated into the marketing machine. Loren Baker said that marketing is getting someone further down the funnel.

[06:12] – What is data-driven?

Dmitri thought about E.A.T.

There are resources mentioned.

There is a website called

Text content is not the only thing. Text content is no longer relevant. If you’re an established business, doctor, health practice, or vet, you can hire an intern videographer or editor to follow you around and make a little video on your website. It is much easier for a doctor to sit in front of the camera for 15 minutes and answer a few questions than it is for a writer to sit down and write an article for a day or more. YouTube is your friend if you have video. Text content is becoming a less important part of content marketing.

The updates will not affect you if you are in the marketing industry and doing it correctly, meaning that you produce great content, do not use any black hat, gray hat backlink building, or anything else. mitrii Kustov, 37:49

Trust and knowledge are two different things. Someone can be the smartest person in the room and someone can be very knowledgeable. It doesn’t mean they’re trustworthy

You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to get more of this.

Don’t forget to connect with Dmitrii Kustov.

Dmitri started his own company because of his passion for business and desire to help other people. He helps companies with their online presence.

He helps companies maximize their marketing budgets by using data. He has been featured on a number of marketing platforms.

Don’t forget to connect with Dmitri onLinkedin:

You can follow him on social media.

Find out more about the founder of Search Engine Journal.

You can follow him on social media.

You can connect with Lorenbaker onLinkedin.

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