The 5-Step Content Creation Strategy

The 5-Step Content Creation Strategy

The 5-Step Content Creation Strategy

Content can affect your business performance. If you want to speak to your audience, you need to create a content strategy.

We live in a world full of information. The average American will see 6,000 to 10,000 ads a day, each filled with marketing content.

A billboard, a bus stop bench, or a banner on a website are only some of the things that may capture peoples attention. A video showing how to change a car headlight, a video showing how to save money on a home purchase, and a Tweet with information about an upcoming concert are some of the things that others will keep that attention for.

Generate ideas of interest to your target audience is what content creation is all about. Valuable and essential information to your existing and potential customers is provided by the written, audio or visual content that those ideas are turned into.

Creating Content Increases Profitability

A significant return on investment is generated by the creation of valuable content. Companies that use content to market their services or products get more leads than companies that do not. A majority of people report being influenced to make a purchase after reading a post on the internet.

There is a difference in the creation of new content. 3.5 times the website traffic of companies that only post once or twice a week is provided by businesses that produce content several times a week.

Types of Content

You need to think about the different types of content you can use when designing a content strategy. The kind of content you create will not be the same as another.


The format is still popular. They are one of the top types of content to show up on search engines when people type in relatedKeywords.

A well-written, carefully edited, and not presented as a solid block of text, are some of the things that a long or short blogs should be. They need to focus on one main topic and give your audience useful or entertaining information.

To make a post easy to read, use headlines, photos, charts, and other graphics to break up the content.


Audio has been used as a medium for content. A lot of people listen to their radios. However, they are different. They usually focus on one subject and can be found on several websites or streaming services.

It’s more difficult to create a Podcasts because they require more planning and information. They can quickly gain a following with the right hosts and entertaining guests.


A few years ago the company that wanted to produce videos needed expensive equipment. Anyone can carry a video camera in their pocket, thanks to the widespread availability of phones.

Only a couple of minutes or an hour or more can be the length of a video. They cover a wide range of topics.

Social Media Posts

There is a lot of flexibility in the newer format of social media posts. A post can contain written text, images, links and more. The type of posts you make will be dependent on the platform you use. If you use the social media site, you will mostly post photos.

Creating captivating social media posts is not the same as coming up with ideas for a blogs. A lot of companies hire social media editors.

There are 5 ways to reuse outdated content to your advantage.

Designing a Content Strategy

The content you create is much more than a good idea. The most effective medium and channels for your target audience should be the focus of every piece.

Determine Your Target Audience

The most important step in any strategy is who you want to reach. A great post about fishing equipment won’t make a difference to people looking for designer purses. You have to decide who you’re speaking to, how you want to talk to them, and the best way to get to them.

Think About the Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey can be broken down into three Rs. recognition, reflection and resolution.

The ideal buyer will be looking for information that will help them understand their problem. You could come up with a post that talks about eating healthy on a busy schedule.

You’ll want to give them options that they can consider. A book on meal prepping may be a solution. It could be the pros of your service, a fresh meal delivery service.

When your buyer is ready to make a decision is the resolution stage. They must be convinced that your brand is the answer. A social post may offer a free trial of your service.

The types of content that work best at each stage of the buyer’s journey can be found here.

  • Recognition: Quizzes, blog posts, infographics and games.
  • Reflection: Webinars, podcasts and videos.
  • Resolution: Free trials, case studies, competitor comparisons and discount offers.

Perform a Content Audit

If you already have content out in the world and want to change your strategy, now is the time to do a content audit.

You can create an inventory of the content you’ve created. The ideal buyer, content type, medium used, topic, and past performance are some of the factors that should be considered when organizing the pieces of content. Determine which of these pieces will need to be refreshed.

If done correctly, a content audit will allow you to see what you’ve already done, what kind of content you need to create in the future and how you can budget accordingly.

Select Appropriate Channels

You know who your target audience is and what type of content they will need based on where they are in their journey. It’s time to decide where to put that content.

Do you think your audience likes social media? You might want to look at more graphic-focused content. Does your audience enjoy reading and learning? Then put case studies on your website.

Pick Your Content Creators

When you have decided on the content you want to create and where you want to promote it, it is time to find out who will make it. You will likely need more than one person for this job, because a fantastic blog post writer won’t be the best person to design an Infographic.

You can either use in-house talent to perform these tasks or outsourcing them. There are many third-party companies that create content for you. It makes sense to use these creators when you are first starting to create content. You can shift to an in-house production team after you get off the ground.

There is a related article about how customer persona fuels good content.

The Workflow Of Content Creation

If you toss a post on your website because you think it will appeal to your ideal buyer, you won’t get the results you want. If you want to create compelling content, you need to approach it in the same way you would any other business. All members of your staff can use a workflows that you have created.

Use an Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar will make sure you have a regular stream of content. You don’t want to write a lot of content and then not do anything for a couple of weeks.

Decide on a Topic

Your ideal buyer’s journey is the subject of a brainstormed content ideas. Don’t dismiss an idea. Some will be useful and some will be not. The best results will be produced by allowing free flow and exchange of ideas.

Do Your Homework

To create a good piece of content, you need to do your research. A piece of content can be hard to write off the top of your head. You can read white papers. Talk to your own company’s people about what the buyer wants to know at that moment in their journey.

Create the content

Write a white paper after you’ve got your research done. You should invite appropriate guests to record your show. Social media can be used to connect with potential customers.

Review the Content

It is an essential step for any piece of writing. Few people are Mozarts of the computer keyboard. Good writers make mistakes. If you don’t agree with the chosen topic, listen to your audio podcast and change anything you don’t like.

Check Against Your Strategy

Before you publish, make sure the content is in line with your content creation strategy, accomplishes your goals, and offers helpful information.

Upload to a Content Management System (CMS)

The piece of content needs to be uploaded to the content management system. Audio or video content may be uploaded to various video sites. Before you hit the publish button, make sure you have formatted the content for the channel.

Publish and Promote

After you have uploaded and checked the look and sound of the content, publish it. Don’t stop then. “If you build it, they will come” is not a good phrase for online content. Let people know about the availability of your work.

Analyze Results

It is time for you to see how your content is performing. You should pay attention to statistics.

  • Time spent on page
  • Click-through rate
  • Organic traffic
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate

If your content is working, these statistics will let you know what changes you need to make.

Building a case for centralized content management

How to Promote Your Content

Once you create and publish content, you want to let people know it is available. You can do this using a number of tools.

Social Media

Social media is a great way to build relationships and let people know about what’s new on your website or streaming service.


Many people who have visited your website, downloaded a podcasts or watched a video have given you their email addresses. If you work with your marketing department, you can create an email campaign that will let existing and potential customers know about new content.

Pay-Per-Click Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are a great way to grow an audience when you first start to create content. These ads are where you think your ideal buyer will visit.

You will be able to grow your content organically if you have an audience for it. These ads allow you to reach an audience that may not know about your content.

RSS feeds

An RSS feed can be used to encourage repeat visits from your existing or potential customers. When a person subscribes to an RSS feed, they get a summary of the daily or weekly content on your website. It’s a great way to make sure you’ll come back again.

5 Tips for Creating Dynamic Content

You want to find ways to make your content more appealing to your audience. There are a few ways to start in the right direction.

1. Make Content Accessible

If you make videos or podcasts with poor audio quality, you are wasting your time. Check the Readability Guidelines Project for a good overview of the rules. If your language is too complex, what words you should avoid, how to include meaningful links, and more, this guide will help you.

2. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

The bane of every content creator is hitting the publish button and seeing a mistake. If you don’t have at least three reviews, don’t post anything. Tools like the Hemingway Editor can help catch errors.

3. Focus on Clarity

Your audience is confused by the dense, complicated sentences you write. Write in plain English. If you think it’s appropriate for your ideal buyer, use jargon only. In the old Steve Martin routine, only tell jokes to an audience of people who work in plumbing.

You’re writing a letter to a family member with information about an important topic. You wouldn’t try to make them different. Don’t try to make people confused.

4. Read Your Content Aloud

You can read your content aloud for any type of written content.

When you have been looking at the same piece of content for a long time, it can be easy to miss mistakes. If you read the content aloud, you’ll be able to catch the issues. It will alert you to any sentences that sound clunky or awkward. It will not appeal to your audience if it doesn’t sound good to you.

5. Use Your Company’s Style Guide

Content style guides will be created by companies that are focused on content. The guide makes sure that all pieces of content reflect a standard approach to using expressions or phrases, formatted headlines and the proper spelling of difficult names or words.

Even if you don’t have a team of writers, having a content guide for outsourcing writers is a great way to encourage consistency.

How Web3 changes the content model is a related article.

Create Content and Start Seeing Results

One of the best ways to engage with prospective and existing customers is through thoughtful, entertaining and valuable content. It can help grow your business.

Your company’s goals and marketing goals can be achieved with a content creation strategy.

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