How to get more out of your email marketing with SafeOpt

How to get more out of your email marketing with SafeOpt

How to get more out of your email marketing with SafeOpt

Many people think email marketing is boring. It is not as flashy as jumping onto BeReal or TikTok.

Email marketing is a great way to drive revenue for your business. You can expect a 42X return on your investment in email marketing. Let’s talk about a few ways you can make your email marketing more exciting.

Gen Z prefers email as a way to communicate with brands.

Lost shoppers can be recovered with verified offers.

Losing sales are a result of online shoppers abandoning their carts. You could use an abandoned cart email to rescue that sale if you have someone in your database. Retargeting ads that don’t guarantee a strong return on investment are the only options if they weren’t logging in.

To recover lost sales, you can use an email list of 175 million U.S shoppers to send a brand-approved offer. Your abandoned shoppers are happy because they save time and money.

First, make sure your emails are mobile-friendly.

Most of the emails are viewed on a mobile device. It is no longer possible to have your emails mobile-friendly. It needs to be built with a mobile screen in mind.

You may have to rethink a few things. Research shows that mobile email readers click less. There is less real estate to work with on mobile.

This could mean that you decided to build your emails with fewer calls to action. Sometimes, this constraint can be a good thing, as it forces you to focus on what clicks in the email will really drive business outcomes for you.
The game is called Personalization.

People get more than 100 emails a day. The best way to stand out from the crowd is to personalize your email.

The personalization journey can be started small. You could include their name in the body of the email. They don’t have a name. They can include a recent purchase or interest in the product.

As you gather more data and incorporate it into your messages, your personalization of emails can get more advanced. You can include references to sections of the website they visited.

It pays to be personal. A personalized subject line is more likely to be opened.

It’s a test and it’s perfect.

Email marketing is great because you can always be testing. You should be testing elements frequently.

The subject lines have something in common.
Either day or time of sending.
The call to action is the main one.
Your email contains images.

If you don’t come at it with the right strategy, testing can get unwieldy. Know what type of testing you are going to do and why. A/B tests only focus on a single variable and will give you different results than a multivariate test, which tests different variable combinations at the same time.

You should have an end goal in mind for your testing. If you want to improve click-through rates, you should have an important goal.

Wait until you have significant results. The test might be expanded or run for longer. If you have a small sample size, it is worth it to make sure you get actionable results.

Take action once you get those insights. If your test shows that personalized subject lines have higher open rates, then you should include them in as many relevant emails as possible. Insight with no action is useless.

Remember that you never stop testing. The next set of tests should be the result of implementing the winners of your tests. If you have a test and learn mindset, you can improve your email performance.

Email marketing should be exciting again.

Email marketing will deliver a lot of value if you follow some of the strategies outlined. Growing a business is exciting.

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