5 essential tools to move your hotel out of the digital stone age

5 essential tools to move your hotel out of the digital stone age

We were doing things differently when I began my career. Digital marketers relied on basic metrics to prepare for their decisions. Most hotels had digital marketing strategies in place by the mid-2010s, which included paid ads and being active on the internet. The work was done manually. Digital marketing is called the stone age.

Digital marketing has tons of tools and resources available. There are a lot of tools for every challenge. Most hotels are stuck in the 2010s, so they don’t use these. Five must-have tools for modern digital marketing will be introduced in this article.

There is aOTA insight.

Most online bookings are generated by online travel agencies. Having a steady stream ofOTA bookings can’t hurt the business. If you want to know how your property performs in comparison to the market, you should use OTA Insight. It is an essential tool to find opportunities. The new solution captures hotel booking intent in real time to find new revenue opportunities.

The use of OTA insight or similar intelligence tools for marketing and commercial decision-making is a major step in the right direction.

There is a website calledotainsight.com.

Icono square.

Around 60 percent of independent hotels still do everything manually when it comes to social media. It’s sad. Smart marketing teams use social media tools to get a lot of information and reduce the amount of time it takes to keep up with all the social channels.

Icono square is used by marketing agencies to make data driven decisions. The platform gives brands and agencies peace of mind by offering time-saving reporting and in-depth analysis.

Brand 24 is one of the alternatives.

There is a website called “pro.iconosquare.com”.

There are a lot of hotels that use the systems. It’s impossible to manage loyalty programs, keep track of guest profiles, and automate communication without aCRM. Booking engines offer simplified systems, but they aren’t very effective.

There are tons of funnel management and customer relations automation features in HubSpot, an industry standard solution that serves millions of businesses.

Revinate is used by quite a lot of hotels. It’s better for them to check out HubSpot.

The company has a free basicCRM for those who cannot afford it. Good luck sending birthday emails and following up on proposals if you think your hotel doesn’t need a computer system.

There is a website called Hubspot.com.

There is a market sampler.

Market Sampler is a market research solution that gives you the ability to see inside the minds of your audience. You can use micro-surveys to target research campaigns to anyone you want.

Market Sampler is used by hotels to measure brand awareness, check brand acceptance, and understand guest expectations. Market Sampler can be used to measure what people think about your ads.

You can launch a research campaign from as low as $50 and get data in a few days.

There is a marketsampler.

Sem Rush.

It’s still relevant to internet marketing, even for hotels. Over 70% of independent hotels only make content for social media. It’s the #1 factor for ranking in search engines and the way to get free high-intent web traffic, if you have well-written posts on a hotel website.

SemRush has great tools for search engine ranking and content marketing. It allows you to spy on your competitors, find the most lucrative and best-converting search terms, and improve the search engine presence of your hotel brand.

In the long term, a strong search engine presence will generate more revenue than paid ads can buy, because it requires continuous research, writing, and patience.

There is a website called semrush.com.

What is the cost of these tools? Does it make sense to invest in it?

It will cost over $1,000 per month to use the above tools. Your team will be able to do a better job overall and you will be able to unlock mission-critical business and market insights.

You will be able to automate email marketing campaigns, find ideal market segments to advertise for, manage your social media more effectively, and improve the search engine traffic of your hotel. If you measure the revenue and effectiveness of these activities already, you can do the math.

It is time to plan for better digital marketing management if you don’t track revenue from the above activities.

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