Is email marketing dead?

Is email marketing dead?

Is email marketing dead?Our preferences for communication change as the media landscape changes. Rose Skews at Favoured explores the changing world of online communications and what it takes to engage younger generations.

Email marketing experts are in the marketing plans.

Three-minute videos are affecting our attention span as a result of the rise of short-form video on platforms. The phasing out of email as a communication platform raises the question of whether consumers still engage with email marketing.

Yes is the short answer. What is the long answer? So long as you know who you are doing it for. More than half of generation Z and a third of the younger generation like to get brand emails. Let’s look at how you can create engaging emails for Gen Z.

Don’t be dull.

Emails that waffle on won’t engage your audience. What can you do?

Try to test short-form emails. You can get to the point of your email quickly and easily.

Hook them in with hooks for your subject lines and the email’s main message. Your open and click-through rate will be helped by this.

It can be a little technical at first, but it is worth it. If you can personalize your email, it will be more engaging.

It won’t cut it if you include a strong call to action, like ‘Read more’ and ‘Discover now’. It would be great if you could add a little spice to the CTAs.

It’s important that your message is concise and interesting. If you want to engage with your audience, try to bring your tone to a more personable level.

It’s flows and broadcasts.

If you can plan and set it up, email marketing can be a good tool. Email marketing can be split into two parts: flows and broadcasts.

Flows are automations where you can segment your audience and run them continuously. You can update your audience on anything new through broadcasts.

An ad hoc campaign can be created for an extra burst of comms.

There are flows.

You can use email marketing to get to know your audience. Active users, inactive users and new users will be your main cohort. Active users might have email flows.

Thank the customer for their patronage. The refer-a-friend scheme is usually found in later emails.

When a customer has triggered an event within the app, you want to maintain their engagement.

Users who are inactive will have email flows.

One of the most important flows you can set up is the abandoned cart.

Offering small discounts is a temptation to get customers back on track. Explaining a new feature as an incentive to click is a good way to get people to use the app.

Email flows will be available for new users.

This is your chance to show the customer who you are and what you can do.

If anyone submits a form on your website, you can convert them to onboard and/or purchase here.

Let’s look at how you can engage with monthly newsletters.

There are broadcasts.

Break your newsletter into large chunks. You can try highlights, news and testimonials. It is possible to connect with national marketing days to make sure you hit key dates.

You can chat with customers about what you’ve been up to. Adding testimonials adds credibility to your brand and product, while also increasing your desire.

Who is doing it well.

Email marketing has been doing well for some companies. Estrid is one of the ones. It had a hard task ahead of it, as it is the main target audience, and the prime suspect for a lack of attention span. Its emails are engaging, it has bought movement into its design, and its tone is personable and fun.

Maybe you weren’t sold on email marketing. It could add to your marketing strategy. It is possible to engage your audience in a different way with email marketing. The experts at Favoured are always available to help.

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