Is Your Email Marketing Software The Right One? 5-Point Assessment Guide

Is Your Email Marketing Software The Right One? 5-Point Assessment Guide

Is Your Email Marketing Software The Right One? 5-Point Assessment GuideEvery $1 invested in email marketing will yield a profit of $36 according to a study. Email marketing is important for the success of a business.

What’s the reason? There are some hidden reasons for email marketing.

Email marketing software can help your business grow. Where do you start with the hundreds of tools out there?

The guide will show you how to choose the right software.

There are five points to consider when choosing email marketing software.

Your budget is an important factor when choosing email marketing software. You don’t want to spend a lot of money on a tool that you won’t use. Regardless of your company size or budget, you should consider the following:

1 The ability to integrate.

The image is from Janusnet.

It’s important that your email marketing software works with the rest of your technology stack. You can use your preferred systems or applications with the right tool.

If you already use aCRM to manage leads, you may want an integration that will allow you to send automated emails to your prospects based on their activity in yourCRM.

Email integration reduces the time it takes to send emails to individual contacts. You can use this integration to sync your email marketing campaigns.

You can make lists that are tailored to different people. Checkout abandoners may have increased on your website. You can remind them to finalize their purchase when this happens.

You can group consumers and contacts according to their buying behavior. Visitors who browse a particular category of products frequently but never make a purchase can be categorized into a separate category.

Make sure your solutions have the necessary integrations before you make a decision.

2 Email templates are mobile friendly.

More than half of emails are opened on a mobile device. If you want to maximize your reach, your email templates need to be mobile friendly.
The image is from Koking.

A recent survey shows that up to 79% of consumers don’t use mobile-friendly email. If you don’t have a responsive email design, you are more likely to lose subscribers. It is important to consider how your campaign assets will perform on mobile devices. You don’t want to invest in a platform that makes you compromise on design or function for mobile.
A lot of people still use their desktop computers to access email. A responsive template that scales to fit any device is a crucial feature to look for in an email marketing software solution.

Responsive email templates are more than just a way to make your emails mobile-friendly. The layout and user experience are equally important. Try different solutions to see what works for you.

3 There are powerful reporting tools.

The image is from mailtrap.

You will be able to analyze your campaign performance and make data-driven decisions with access to powerful reporting tools. You can track and measure campaign performance and make adjustments as needed with this ability.

Key metrics you will want to track are listed.

Email delivery is the most important metric. Your campaign is a waste of time and resources if you don’t deliver it.
Email bounces can make it hard to keep track of your contacts. They can affect your sender’s reputation and lead to higher bounce rates.
If you want to know how many people open your campaign and how many clicks you get, you need to use open rate and click-through rate. The value of each contact can be determined by engagement.
Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of people who don’t want to be on your mailing list. Your campaign is relevant and engaging if you have an unsubscribe rate of less than 1%. If you see a rate above.05%, you should scrutinize your email campaigns.
A conversion rate is a measure of how many people click on an email to make a purchase.

To identify areas of improvement for your email campaigns, you should review these metrics regularly.

Built-in reports are offered by some email marketing software solutions. Other solutions allow you to create more detailed statistics based on your individual needs. Consider which reporting tools will work best for your business.

4 The function is automation

The image is from GetResponse.

According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research, revenue growth is impacted by automation.

Less is more in marketing automation. If you overload subscribers with too many messages at the same time, they will stop following you.

Finding a marketing automation solution that streamlines the activities at the right time is important.

You can send abandoned cart emails to remind people of incomplete orders and automate lead nurturing campaigns to follow up with people who haven’t made a purchase.

If you choose the right automation tool, you can change the messages based on previous interactions with your brand and make sure they reach the right subscriber at the right time.

A drag-and-drop interface is a must when selecting a marketing automation software. It is possible to automate the right actions without the help of IT or a developer.

5 Before you make a decision, check reviews and recommendations.

If you read online reviews from past and current users, you can get a sense of what the experience has been like.

Reviews of email marketing software can give you an idea of the quality of support you will receive from the platform.

There is nothing perfect. Sometimes you need help with your email marketing service. You want to make sure the platform you choose gives you the support you need.

Check to see if the solution has received any awards. The best indication of a platform’s overall performance is the industry awards. They can help you find the best email marketing software.

It was the conclusion.

Before choosing an email marketing tool, you should know how it works and what features it has. Some products offer low entry prices, but limit features, like A/B testing and performance monitoring, to force you to upgrade.

Before you make a final decision, make sure your new platform provides everything you need for long-term success.

Charlotte Evans is always happy to help others. She joined Tooltester as a Content Writer because she wanted to help businesses get the most out of their digital presence.

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