Amid Labor and Skills Challenges, Australian Businesses Double Down on ActiveCampaign’s Time-Saving Automation Solutions

Amid Labor and Skills Challenges, Australian Businesses Double Down on ActiveCampaign’s Time-Saving Automation Solutions

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Each Australian business customer is saved an average of 46 hours per month on administrative tasks by ActiveCampaign. This past year, the company saved 4 million hours for businesses. With the Jobs and Skills Summit revealing the current stress among employers to boost productivity, it’s clear businesses need to lean into marketing automation and sales automation Businesses can take advantage of interactions across channels to retain customers, engage new leads and grow.

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More than half of businesses use automation to save time, and they spend more time talking to customers. The need for automated tasks to improve productivity was addressed by the Summit. The current skills shortage in the country is addressed by ActiveCampaigns no-code technology, which is designed to empower businesses with technology anyone can use, while also setting employees up to provide powerful, best-in-class customer experiences.

Australian businesses are set up by ActiveCampaign.

Businesses can use a reimagined email designer to create better emails. Customers will see the impact of a tailored customer experience with the ability to save content blocks and automate relevant content.
Businesses can use recipe automations to send abandoned cart reminders, handle booking requests, send RSVP confirmations and more. ActiveCampaign recently launched 11 new Postmark recipes for a variety of common use cases, helping business owners sell across multiple marketplaces.
Launching a Marketplace Hub with over 2,000 resources, templates and free tools to further support growing businesses, such as email copywriting templates to jumpstart content projects, aCRM template that works with both spreadsheets and social media content calendars.
Customers can send personalized emails at scale with the click of a button thanks to a partnership with Onesend. The amount of tasks required to create, prep, design and send campaigns across hundreds of accounts is brought down to minutes by using Onesend’s tool.

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Customers expect businesses to be available when needed. If loyalty is not rewarded with a good customer experience, they will shift their attention to competitors. VandeBoom said that automation is important to remain relevant. ThePlatforms like ActiveCampaign automate a lot of routine activities and free up teams to better serve customers. Technology makes it possible for a business and its customers to be transparent.

Scott Thomas, co- founder of Onesend, said that their partnership with ActiveCampaign only continues to grow because of how quickly their customers scale. With the hours saved, improved customer experiences and confidence in the use of ActiveCampaign’s platform, it’s clear that it’s the solution to skills and labor challenges here in Australia.

Office Choice has saved hundreds of hours by usingActiveCampaign and Onesend. The technology saves our employees time, but anyone that logs into the dashboard is able to send personalized email campaigns at scale and better understand the customer journey, no prior knowledge or coding required!

About active campaign.

Over 180,000 businesses in 170 countries are helped by ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Automation platform. The platform gives businesses of all sizes access to 850+ pre-built automations that combine transactional email and email marketing, marketing automation, Ecommerce marketing, andCRM for powerful personalization across social, email, messaging, chat and text. More than 70% of ActiveCampaign’s customers use its integrations. Only 17 products with over 10,000 positive customer reviews on score higher in customer satisfaction than any other solution in Marketing Automation,CRM and E-Commerce Personalization, which is why ActiveCampaign is the top rated email marketing software. The price is just $9/month. You can start a trial at has a source version of the story.

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The number is 4077347332.

There is an active campaign atpancomm.

Illinois, Australia, and the United States are included in the keyWORD.


The source is ActiveCampaign.

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