Study Discovers Most Businesses Mess Up Email Deliverability, Shares Easy Fix

Study Discovers Most Businesses Mess Up Email Deliverability, Shares Easy Fix

Study Discovers Most Businesses Mess Up Email Deliverability, Shares Easy Fix

There is a press release in the Philippines.

If you send a business email to another person, they might not receive it. It might be wrongly removed from the list, but you aren’t being told about it.

According to a study by Spiralytics, more and more business emails are being sent without the senders knowledge. They found that many businesses have their emails wrongly flagged as junk mail.

The good news is that it can be fixed easily.

Email delivery issues are addressed.

Email is a must for any business. Companies rely on their emails to land in their audience’s inbox in order to succeed in their marketing campaigns. It can lead to a loss of revenue and business opportunities if an email doesn’t get to the inbox. Emails in a user’s inbox are often seen as unreliable.

There are issues with the business world. Spiralytics knows the importance of successful email delivery. They found that more and more incoming emails were being flagged as junk mail. They found that each email had failed the checkmx tool.

They undertook in-depth research with a large sample of clients. Only 9% of email domains passed security controls, and only 17% were error-free. When senders aren’t configuring their email domain correctly, it becomes an issue.

There are two methods that marketers can use to improve their email deliverability. The methods ensure that email server stop flagging their emails as junk mail, and it also helps verify to server that the emails don’t contain malicious software and are safe to land in a user’s inbox

Jimmy Cassells, CEO of Spiralytics, says, “We think it’s paramount that they become aware of these methods.” It can be a small and easy fix.

There is more about this study here.


Digital marketing company Spiralytics specializes in online performance improvement through online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. The company quickly builds on channel performance and gets results through an unparalleled commitment to data and testing. It has worked with over 400 clients from the US, UK, Asia, Australia, and Europe over the course of 9 years.

To learn more, visit

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